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Wild Peach Project is a grassroots organization with a humble little mission: to make education and creative arts accessible for everyone. We are in pursuit of a world that is fairer, more fun, and a lot less exhausting for everyone.
So what’s with the wild peaches?
Wild peaches represent a world of idealism – a chance escape into a romantic, provincial past. Think balmy days wandering through a sun-drenched valley, finding yourself before a solitary tree, catching sight of the fuzzy, orange-red skin of the peaches, their blush changing color in the shifting light. Savor the sweetness.
In a more practical sense, a wild peach symbolizes individualism – finding your place and flourishing despite unfavorable circumstances and an abysmal chance of success. Peaches are not naturally wild; they’re the result of over 3,000 years of rigorous cultivation. A wild peach tree is one abandoned by its community. It faces slim chances of fruitful survival—especially in soil or a climate unsuitable to its needs.
This same principle applies to people neglected or abandoned by our cultural structures. They’re celebrated if they do well, but those successes are the rare exception.
Our team, with backgrounds in filmmaking, journalism, talent management, and social research, has a combined 1,000 years of experience in media and entertainment, and we have witnessed where these spaces fail to be inclusive or easy to navigate. We are diligent and faithful stewards of the feral peaches of the world. Our goal is to give them access to knowledge, space, and resources; to identify and reinforce existing opportunities, and to collaborate in building new ones.
Submission notes
Wild Peach Magazine publishes work by unpublished and emerging creators, and features profiles and interviews with all kinds of people that thoughtfully explore the varying approaches to being a human and viewing life through a creative lens. Here’s what you should know before pitching us:
- We never charge a fee to submit
- We accept multimedia submissions including writing, art, comics, illustrations, and photography; we also publish film/music projects, but will only consider them from an initial pitch
- All work submitted should be original and unpublished
- Simultaneous submissions are allowed! We just ask that if your work is accepted elsewhere you withdraw it from consideration promptly
- We read and respond to every submission, so please be patient – we’re a small team and get a lot of of pitches – it may take a while to get back to yours, but we will. If you haven’t heard from us within 8 weeks you can (gently) follow up.
- If you want to volunteer as a reader or guest editor, we’d love to hear from you (click here please).
Below we’ve outlined some things we like to see, and some we really don’t, but these are guidelines, and if you’re unsure we welcome you to submit anyway.
Submit |
An open invitation
We’re pining for
Hyper-local narratives; unexpected pairings of art/music/literature; unsophisticated photography; personal obsessions, beliefs, or commentary on anything that matters to you; sharp, witty takes on flash-trends; playful/critical reflections on the past; stories from behind-the-scenes (of anything); on-the-ground dispatches from unexpected or unusual places; short fiction; how-to’s for messy/absurd moments; sharp, insightful manifestos; any review of a book/music/film/product that is highly subjective.
We’re not excited about
Self-indulgent introspection; positions that are incompetent, unkind, or evil; unhelpful “everything is doomed” pessimism; motivational platitudes; evidence claims with no reference to the original research; “wellness”; bad faith recommendations; mean-spirited criticism; capitalism/environmental think pieces on Taylor Swift; capitalism/environmental think pieces on Leonardo Dicaprio; anything that writes off or disregards people you disagree with; wanton/thoughtless violence; indecisive viewpoints.
Send your pitch to
- Attach your 1-2 page proposal as a docx or PDF.
- If you’re interested in covering an event/release/occasion, keep in mind that we sometimes commission pieces far in advance, and plan to send your pitch 3-6 months ahead of time.
- If you want to submit a film/audio project, send us your 3-4 paragraph pitch describing the format, and the story.
Submit your story to
- Fiction and non-fiction stories (no word limit).
- We publish narrative non-fiction, reviews, flash fiction, and short stories.
- For fiction, we accept all/most genres; we look for character-driven pieces.
- Please include a short bio in the body of the email, and attach your work as a docx or PDF titled “title_lastname_firstname.”
- Cover letters are nice, but not required!
Send your art/poetry/photos to
- Include a short bio in the body of the email.
- For poetry – attach poems as one docx or PDF file titled “title_lastname_firstname”.
- For art and photography – you’re welcome to submit finished work or pitch your idea with examples of your previous work.
Micro Subs
Every month, we publish a themed mini-magazine exclusively on social media for those snappy, bite-sized, creative little masterpieces we just can’t wait to put out there. Send us your brief reviews, short films, mini-essays, songs, stories, etc.
- New themes announced monthly on the first.
- Checked the pinnned post on our Instagram for updated guidelines.
- $5 via Paypal for accepted submissions.
- At the end of each month, we hold a vote for audience favourites; $100 to the top three contributors.
- Tag @wildpeachmag anywhere your submission is posted.
We do a lot of interviews at Wild Peach. It’s kind of our thing. In every issue, we feature a big profile on one neat individual where we get to know their story and preoccupations a little more than usual. These people are chosen either because we think they’re cool/perceptive/witty or because you do. Send us someone you want to see featured using this form.
We’re open to sponsors and especially love creative collaboration ideas. If you’d like to put your name on one of our issues, send us a message!
Questions, Corrections, Complaints
If you have a question or complaint about our work, you can write to us ([email protected])
If you have a question or complaint about the state of the world in general you can write to your local government (search “local representative [your area]” to find yours) or contact the UN (+1 (212) 963-1234).