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Peach Ice Cream at Dillard’s
Issue 1 | November 1, 2024
Peach Ice Cream at Dillard’s
Christiana Doucette
Summer sunshine
mixed with the mist
lifting off the sprinkled road.
Drops of sticky yellow
hinting at pink blossoms.
Light orange running down chins.
The sun softly slips
behind the distant hills.

Christiana Doucette spends mornings in her garden weeding, because just like
her poetry, flowers grow best with space to breathe. She has judged poetry for The San Diego Writer’s Festival Kid’s Write program for the past three years. She is the 2024 Kay Yoder Scholarship for American History recipient. Her full-length verse novel works are represented by Leslie Zampetti of Open Book Literary. You can find her recent/forthcoming poetry in Full Mood Magazine, The Zinnia Journal, Boats Against the Current, The Creekside Magazine, Frazzled Lit., and Wildscape Literary Journal.